How is Bacanora made?

Produced and distilled using only artisanal methods, Bacanora Clandestino is made with the highest quality standards, with the aim of giving those who drink it an unparalleled experience when trying this ancient drink.

It has been passed down from generation to generation and is made exclusively through a six-step process.

1. Cultivation of Agave Pacifica

Bacanora is made specifically with the Angustifolia Haw agave, present in different parts of Mexico, including Sonora. Angustifolia Haw plants take approximately 6 years to reach maturity; the arid conditions of the state of Sonora are not an impediment for this noble plant to bear fruit. These plants are extremely resistant, their fibrous leaves can reach a length of more than 150 centimeters. When ripe, pineapples weigh on average between 20 and 40 kilograms.

2. Harvesting and removing leaves

Agave Pacifica is harvested through a process known as jimar. Using a tool called Coa, the plant's spiky leaves are removed by hand to expose the core. This process is extremely difficult and exhausting, thus adding added value to our bacanora.

3. Roast the hearts

The harvested pineapples are split by hand and placed in underground ovens designed for roasting. These ovens, called meshes, soften the pineapples and make the next step easier. As a result of this process, the bacanora can acquire smoky notes.

4. Extraction/Juice

As has been done for more than 300 years, the pineapples are crushed after cooking. Once the pineapples are crushed, they are washed with water and strained to remove the juices.

5. Fermentation

The agave pulp is placed in barrels, combined with fresh water and covered tightly, starting the fermentation process. The process takes between 6 and 12 days, depending on the temperature.

6. Distillation

The fermented juices are placed in stills and then heated directly over fire. The steam created by the heat of the fire is conducted through an inverted funnel, sealed at the top of each still. As the vapor condenses in the tube, it flows into the barrel. Thus carrying out the distillation and thus providing a superior product.